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Remember the disposable cameras that were on the tables during the reunion? After almost a year and a half, the first set of photos has been turned in. There were only ten photos on that camera, but they are different from any others and are great fun to look at.
Click here to download a zip file of the complete set of ten new photos.
Some samples:

Photos from the digital camera:

Looking at these photos, it's obvious that we had a good time. It is safe to say this is the most fun any of us have ever had in a room full of 43-year-olds. Of 150 classmates, 52 were in attendance (experts say 20% is a good turnout!) and most went home with belly muscles and cheeks hurting from laughter. A few of the most hearty among us were standing on the street outside the shuttered and darkened Tejas conversing PAST TWO AM!
Tanya Filiatrault, Ken Greener, and Janet Johnson were featured speakers for the evening. Others to address the group at various times were host Todd Benson, trivia game leader Tom Kirkland, and class officers Lynda Hollinger Ganter and Jan Hildebrandt Kruchoski.
As you can see, the lighting and color scheme at Tejas played havoc with the digital camera, especially in the class photo. It is electronically enhanced about as much as could be done (perhaps someone else can rework it better, e-mail for the original copy if you want to try) but at least most everyone is recognizable. Apologies to Mark Smith for being half cut out of the image on the left edge, and to Lynette Dahlgren Clausen and Carol Ward Rossman for being wedged in and partially covered behind Scott Johnson. To download the high-resolution version of the class photo, click here.
If you want to see more than the twelve photos shown here, the full set of thiry plus the lite version of the class photo can be downloaded in a zip archive if you click here.
Putting on a class reunion is a tremendous amount of work. There is no denying that. But participating in a reunion planning committee is also a tremendous amount of fun. And the feeling that comes from giving our classmates, people who shared a unique and formative time in our lives, a really great time is amazing. Thanks to all of you for your encouraging comments. It may be hard to believe, but we had more fun putting this on than you did attending.
Your Minnehaha Academy Class of 1977 25th Anniversary Reunion Committee,
Carol Peterson Bennett, Todd Benson, Lynda Hollinger Ganter, Tom Kirkland, Jan Hildebrandt Kruchoski, Chris Tjornhom, Jean Peterson Tokar
The majority of our sheet music pieces use electronically-produced demos on the item pages. We would much prefer to use actual recordings, so if you email us a digital recording or link to an online video and we end up using it as a demo on our site (fully credited), we will send you a coupon code good for US$25 toward your next purchase from our site.
Many of our sheet music licenses state that the purchaser does not have the right to record the work. We have modified our policy on this, and unless the license page states that you must obtain permission from a party other than www.tributek.com to record the work, we will allow a small number (less than 50) of copies of an audio or video recording of a live performance to be made and distributed and/or posted to a free web site for viewing/listening, so long as www.tributek.com, the composer, arranger, and lyricist are credited.
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A customer commented: "Today I made my first purchase from Tributek. Every aspect of the transaction exceeded my expectations. The description of the product included a Quicktime demo in addition to a clear, interesting, well-written description of the product. The price of the product was a bargain. The ordering process could not have been easier or faster. I will definitely shop with Tributek again!"
Another customer commented: "I would like to compliment you on the ease of purchasing music on-line. I require the music for a wedding in a couple of weeks, and didn't want to wait for music to be sent in the mail. It was great to be able to hear the music and to know the length of the PDF file and performance time."
Another customer writes: "I bought some choral music off your site. It's great. I hope we can do all of it in our church. I don't know how you can sell it so cheap. It's a great service you offer."
NOTE: All www.tributek.com customers are given the opportunity to rate our service, value, and quality, and 98% of www.tributek.com customers who have ever returned satisfaction surveys rate their overall experience doing business with us as "excellent" (71%) or "good" (27%). You can't please all of the people all of the time, but we do try very hard.
www.tributek.com - PO Box 8025 - Elburn IL 60119 USA
Visit our hard goods division at tributek.us
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All rights to all text, sounds, and graphics are reserved.
Last update: 24 APR 2023 |